Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas Mix 2015

Christmas Mix
2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022

If it is a question of hope, love is the answer.
If it is a question of fear, love is the answer.

I was going to rattle off about ten, I will stop at two, you get the point. But, go ahead do a couple on your own...

Some may say, way too simplistic, a Christmas time answer. Maybe I'm just a simple guy, but Christmas presents us the essential question, How do we make peace on earth, goodwill to men? The answer is a process of love for us all. For me, it did not come from my Christian upbringing, it came from the eclectic experiences in this world and learning that it would be up to me to create my own acts of goodwill.

Christmas is a time to reflect. No matter your religion, non religion or spirituality, think of Christmas in America as the space in time where love becomes less confined. It provides an opening, to give beyond ourselves, to help people. Hopefully, our thoughts and actions of goodwill go beyond the Christmas bubble and we make a positive difference in the lives we touch, throughout the year. Music helps too. It provides a wonderful conduit to the process of understanding that leads to peace.

I want to end this year's Monday Monday Music blog with mostly an acoustic spirit of traditional and non traditional Christmas time music. Merry Christmas to all.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe if we tried a simple answer or thought it would take care of the complicated ones that we have come up with to mess up this world!

    "The bestowal of freedom is the bestowal of love, and only love can save the world"
    A.S. Neill


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