Monday, July 03, 2023

Summer Tunes 2023

 Summer Tunes  2018 & 2019 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024

Let's just call it July 4th week and start the summer party! Fire up the bar-be-cue and soak up the sun pilgrims! Now don't forget to crank up the music and enjoy my third installment of Summer Tunes! In fact, don't hesitate to play my other two Summer Tunes playlists as you sip on your favorite summer drink and take some time to relax. 

Here's my latest favorite summer concoction!

Doug's Lazy Daze

  1. Get in your car and turn on the AC.
  2. Go to the nearest McDonalds' drive through. 
  3. Order a Large Mango/Pineapple Smoothie, or the number for as many who are drinking back at the house.
  4. Drive home quickly, but carefully.
  5. Go to your liquor cabinet (oh yes you do), and select your favorite brand of tequila or vodka.
  6. Don't bother to pour the smoothie into a pretty glass, time's a wastin'.
  7. Stir in gently whatever amount of tequila or vodka you want, if it's overflowing... maybe you have a bigger problem!
  8. Put on Doug's latest Summer Tunes playlist, and as always,
    enjoy my friends!
Summer Tunes 2023

Summer Tunes 2022

Summer Tunes 2018 & 2019 Combined Playlist

Summer Tunes 2024

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