Monday, July 23, 2018

Summer Tunes 2018

 Summer Tunes  2018 & 2019 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024

T-shirts, cut-offs, and a pair of thongs
We've been having fun all summer long

Brian Wilson

Updated - Okay, starting week two of summer tunes as I have been busy on the YouTubes collecting nearly a 100 different eclectic videos for your summertime listening pleasure! This week I really got into watching Beach Boys videos, stories and just enjoying the music of Brian Wilson. Brian's one of rock 'n' rolls greatest artists and a fascinating character to put it mildly. I love this picture of him and wish him as much happiness as he has given all of us with his music! Please make some time this summer to relax, maybe next to a body of water, and listen to some music. Enjoy my friends!

Summer Tunes 2018 & 2019 Combined Playlist

Summer Tunes 2022

Summer Tunes 2023

Summer Tunes 2024

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